
*see english translation of letter below
Colombia, Julio de 2012.
Presidente de la República de Colombia
Juan Manuel Santos Calderón.
Con copia a:
Ministro del Interior: Federico Renjifo
Ministra de Justicia y del Derecho: Ruth Stella Correa Palacio
Ministro de ambiente y Desarrollo sostenible: Frank Pearl
Ministra de Educación: María Fernanda Campo Saavedra
Procurador General de la Nación: Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado
Defensor del Pueblo: Volmar Antonio Pérez Ortiz
Alta Consejera Presidencial para la Gestión Pública y Privada: Catalina Crane Arango
Alto Consejero para las Regiones y la Participación Ciudadana: Alejandro Char Chaljub
Alto Consejero para la Convivencia y la Seguridad Ciudadana: Francisco José Lloreda
Organizaciones defensoras de Derechos Humanos Nacionales e Internacionales
Acción Urgente a favor del profesor e investigador de la Universidad SurcolombianaMILLER ARMÍN DUSSÁN CALDERÓN
Alerta temprana por situaciones de vulnerabilidad y riesgo de violación de los Derechos Humanos de la población civil organizada y de los académicos dedicados a la investigación relacionada con los conflictos ambientales en Colombia.
Los diferentes grupos de investigación, organizaciones gremiales, sociales y defensoras de Derechos Humanos; profesores, académicos, investigadores, científicos nacionales e internacionales, abajo firmantes queremos manifestar nuestra preocupación, respaldo y solidaridad con el profesor, investigador y líder social de la Universidad Surcolombiana, MILLER ARMIN DUSSAN CALDERÓN, contra quien el pasado 28 de mayo, la Procuraduría Regional del Huila abrió indagación.
El contexto de la presente acción urgente y alerta temprana se sustenta en los siguientes hechos:
1. El profesor e investigador MILLER DUSSAN CALDERON es licenciado en Lingüística y Literatura de la Universidad Surcolombiana -USCO- Especialista en Instituciones Jurídico Políticas y Derecho Público de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Magíster en Desarrollo Educativo y Social de la Universidad Pedagógica, Máster en Educación y Sociedad y Doctor en Educación y Sociedad con la calificación de sobresaliente (cum laude), ambos títulos obtenidos en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
Actualmente se desempeña como profesor de planta de la USCO, labor que realiza desde 1993 orientando las cátedras de Pedagogía, Epistemología, Filosofía e Historia de la Educación, Resolución de Conflictos y Asesoría de Prácticas Pedagógicas. Trabajó como investigador en el Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Docentes Ceid-Fecode y colabora con la Revista Educación y Cultura, desde la cual se orienta el Movimiento Pedagógico. Representó a los docentes en el Consejo Superior de la USCO y trabajó por la calidad de los procesos educativos y por el bienestar de la comunidad universitaria en general. En 1997 cuando ocupó el cargo de vicerrector de la UCSO contribuyó a la propuesta de la Red de Universidades por la Paz y la Convivencia Nacional.
Estuvo vinculado como investigador durante siete años en el Grupo Interuniversitario de Trabajo en Educación Popular de Adultos con colegas de las universidades de Antioquia, Valle, Cauca y Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Trabajó con el equipo de investigadores de la alianza Universidad de los Andes, Colciencias, Universidad de Harvard, Red Prodepaz, Fundaciones Petroleras y Universidad Surcolombiana en el proyecto “Empoderamiento de las comunidades desde los programas de desarrollo y paz y las fundaciones petroleras”.
El trabajo del profesor Dussán es ampliamente conocido a nivel nacional e internacional y sus estudios y argumentaciones sobre los impactos y los conflictos de las hidroeléctricas han sido publicados en libros, revistas y portales y difundidos en foros académicos y sociales en diversas partes del mundo. Producto de sus reflexiones y de las denuncias argumentadas y las protestas sociales de las comunidades afectadas contra la construcción de la represa El Quimbo, la Contraloría General de la República, La Unidad Nacional Anticorrupción y la nueva Unidad de Delitos contra el Medio Ambiente de la Fiscalía hacen seguimiento e investigación al Proyecto El Quimbo, por el daño ambiental y “dada la gravedad de las situaciones acontecidas que ponen en riesgo los recursos del Estado y la vida e integridad de los ciudadanos del sector.
2. En la actualidad ha venido acompañando el movimiento social en defensa de los afectados por el Proyecto Hidroeléctrico El Quimbo, argumentando y respaldando por escrito y de manera verbal y pacífica la defensa de los ecosistemas, del patrimonio arqueológico de Colombia y los derechos de las comunidades impactadas, a partir de la utilización de los mecanismos jurídicos establecidos en el marco legal e institucional, nacional e internacional, para la defensa y protección de los derechos humanos y defensa del medio ambiente. Además ha respaldado la iniciativa de las comunidades afectadas de conformar una Reserva Campesina para garantizar la Seguridad Agroalimentaria de la región.
3. Es conocido ante la opinión pública nacional e internacional el proceso de resistencia civil y pacífica que las comunidades afectadas por el Proyecto Hidroeléctrico de El Quimbo han realizado durante más de 3 años, sin que hasta la fecha se hayan presentado hechos de violencia por parte de esta comunidad.
4. El contexto de la problemática social y ambiental que afronta la comunidad por este proyecto energético, ha sido acompañada por el profesor Dussán, motivo por el cual se ha dado inicio a la investigación disciplinaria con base en una comunicación enviada por el Coronel JUAN FRANCISCO PELAEZ RAMÍREZ a la Procuraduría Regional del Huila, el 7 de marzo de 2012, a la cual se anexó un material audiovisual mediante el cual se orienta a evaluar “el carácter irregular del comportamiento del profesor Miller Dussan”, en las manifestaciones que se han adelantado contra el Proyecto Hidroeléctrico El Quimbo.
Dicho material es entregado en el marco de los hechos ocurridos durante los días 14 y 15 de febrero de 2012, cuando se produjo un desalojo violento a las comunidades de afectados por la represa que se encontraban en su hábitat natural, en las playas públicas del Río Magdalena, por parte del ESMAD de la Policía Nacional de Colombia. La acción desproporcionada y violenta de la fuerza pública dejó varios heridos, entre ellos el joven obrero Luis Carlos Trujillo Obregón, que perdió su ojo derecho.
Las imágenes que rodaron ante el mundo mostraron como los pobladores locales, como lo han reivindicado desde que iniciaron sus protestas contra la construcción de la represa, nunca utilizaron la violencia, ni siquiera para defenderse de la agresión de la fuerza pública.
Es así, como el pasado 7 de marzo de 2012, el Coronel JUAN FRANCISCO PELAEZ RAMÍREZ, de la Policía Nacional de Colombia, dirige una querella ante la Procuraduría Regional del Huila en contra el profesor Miller Dussán por los motivos expuestos anteriormente.
El fundamento de la indagación adelantada por la Procuraduría Regional, es preocupante y atenta contra la libertad de expresión del profesor Miller Dussán, así como también la de todos los participantes de la sociedad civil que mediante acciones organizadas y pacificas han tratado de poner en evidencia las irregularidades de este proyecto energético; teniendo en cuenta que según la Declaración de Principios sobre la Libertad de Expresión: “La libertad de expresión, en todas sus formas y manifestaciones, es un derecho fundamental e inalienable, inherente a todas las personas. Es, además, un requisito indispensable para la existencia misma de una sociedad democrática”.
5. El 16 de marzo del 2012, la Empresa Emgesa, a través de su representante legal para Asuntos Judiciales y Administrativos, señor JAIRO ERNESTO ARIAS ORJUELA, mediante derecho de petición, solicitó información a la Universidad Surcolombiana sobre la hoja de vida del profesor Dussán aclarando posteriormente que lo hacía para solicitar control de competencias por parte de la Procuraduría General de la Nación, acto que consideramos arbitrario, debido a que la universidad no está obligada a entregar a particulares documentos de reserva académica para su uso exclusivo, relacionado con sus recursos humanos y que debe ser protegido con fundamento en la autonomía Universitaria.
Es de resaltar la particularidad de ambas solicitudes, debido a que curiosamente se hicieron en el mismo tiempo y con el mismo estilo, que no sólo evidencia una intencionalidad para estigmatizar la labor que realiza el profesor Miller Dussán con las comunidades afectadas por el proyecto, sino que también pone en riesgo de vulneración de los Derechos Humanos de todo aquel que ponga en evidencia las irregularidades de estos grandes proyectos económicos que van en detrimento del medio ambiente, la diversidad y la vida.
Como personas vinculadas a la reflexión académica consideramos que nuestra misión es contribuir a la formación integral de ciudadanos a través de la asimilación, producción, aplicación y difusión de conocimientos científico, humanístico, tecnológico, artístico y cultural y de saberes populares, con espíritu crítico, para que se reflexione y actúe eficazmente en la solución de los problemas del desarrollo humano integral del país y del mundo, dentro de un marco de libertad de pensamiento, pluralismo ideológico y de conformidad con una ética que consolide la solidaridad y la dignidad humana.
Por esa razón queremos expresar con preocupación que los hechos antes mencionados evidencian una persecución, estigmatización y judicialización al profesor Miller Dussán, la cual es parte de una reiterada política de criminalización al movimiento social, y que profundiza la grave situación de derechos humanos de la cual es víctima el pueblo colombiano, particularmente, consideramos que el conflicto se viene agudizando por medio de acciones tendientes a la criminalización de la protesta, investigación y promoción de los derechos al medio ambiente.
Solicitamos de inmediato se suspenda toda acción jurídica sin fundamento contra el profesor Miller Dussan Calderón y se le garanticen sus derechos fundamentales, así como su seguridad personal, la de su familia, y la libertad de pensamiento, de organización, de expresión y de cátedra; así como el respeto y garantías de no repetición en contra de los demás actores sociales que intervienen en las políticas económicas en detrimento de la diversidad natural de nuestros territorios.
President of the Republic of Colombia
Juan Manuel Santos Calderón.
With Copy to:
Minister of Interior: Federico Renjifo
Minister of Law and Justice: Ruth Stella Correa Palacio
Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development: Frank Pearl
Minister of Education: Maria Fernanda Campo Saavedra
Attorney General: Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado
Peoples Defender: Volmar Antonio Pérez Ortiz
High Presidential Commission of Public and Private Management: Catalina Crane Arango
High Commission of Regions and Citizen Participation: Alejandro Char Chaljub
High Commission of Coexistence and Citizen Security: Francisco José Lloreda
International and National Human Rights Organizations
Urgent Action for the protection of Professor and Investigator of the South Colombian University (USCO) MILLER ARMIN DUSSAN CALDERON
This is an early warning of the situation of vulnerability and risk off human rights violations of the organized civilian population and the academic scholars dedicated to research related to environmental conflicts in Colombia.
The different research groups, unions, human rights advocates, educators, academics, researchers, national and international scientists and the undersigned wish to express our concern, support and solidarity with the educator, social researcher and leader of the USCO MILLER ARMIN DUSSAN CALDERON, who on May 28th the Regional Attorney General´s Office of Huila opened an investigation against.
President of the Republic of Colombia
Juan Manuel Santos Calderón.
With Copy to:
Minister of Interior: Federico Renjifo
Minister of Law and Justice: Ruth Stella Correa Palacio
Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development: Frank Pearl
Minister of Education: Maria Fernanda Campo Saavedra
Attorney General: Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado
Peoples Defender: Volmar Antonio Pérez Ortiz
High Presidential Commission of Public and Private Management: Catalina Crane Arango
High Commission of Regions and Citizen Participation: Alejandro Char Chaljub
High Commission of Coexistence and Citizen Security: Francisco José Lloreda
International and National Human Rights Organizations
Urgent Action for the protection of Professor and Investigator of the South Colombian University (USCO) MILLER ARMIN DUSSAN CALDERON
This is an early warning of the situation of vulnerability and risk off human rights violations of the organized civilian population and the academic scholars dedicated to research related to environmental conflicts in Colombia.
The different research groups, unions, human rights advocates, educators, academics, researchers, national and international scientists and the undersigned wish to express our concern, support and solidarity with the educator, social researcher and leader of the USCO MILLER ARMIN DUSSAN CALDERON, who on May 28th the Regional Attorney General´s Office of Huila opened an investigation against.
The context of
this early warning and urgent action is based on the following facts:
1. The professor and researcher MILLER DUSSAN CALDERON, has a degree in Linguistics and Literature from the South Colombian University-USCO and has a Specialty in Judicial Institutions, Public Policy and Law from the National University of Colombia. DUSSAN CALDERON, also has a Masters in Educational and Social Development from the Pedagogical University, and both a Masters and a PhD in Education and Society with a rating of outstanding (cum laude), from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
1. The professor and researcher MILLER DUSSAN CALDERON, has a degree in Linguistics and Literature from the South Colombian University-USCO and has a Specialty in Judicial Institutions, Public Policy and Law from the National University of Colombia. DUSSAN CALDERON, also has a Masters in Educational and Social Development from the Pedagogical University, and both a Masters and a PhD in Education and Society with a rating of outstanding (cum laude), from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
He currently serves as professor of the USCO, a position he has held since 1993
teaching courses within the fields of Pedagogy, Epistemology, Philosophy, History
of Education, Conflict Resolution and Counseling Educational Practices. He
worked as a researcher at the Center for Educator Studies and Investigations CEID-FECODE
and collaborates with the magazine “Education and Culture”, from which he
orients the Pedagogical Movement. He was a faculty representative in the USCO´s
Governing Council and has worked for the over-all quality of educational
processes and for the well-being of the University community in general. In
1997 he served as the Vice-President of the USCO and was a major contributor to
the proposal of the University Network for National Peace and Coexistence.
He was involved as a researcher for seven years in the Inter-University Working Group for Adult Popular Education with colleagues from the Universities of Antioquia, Valle, Cauca and National Pedagogical University and worked on the team of researchers as part of an alliance between the Andes University, Colciencias, Harvard University, Red Prodepaz, Petroleum Foundation and the South Colombian University on the project "Empowerment of communities: Programs for development, peace and oil."
The work of Professor Dussan regarding the impacts and conflicts generated with Hydroelectric Dams is well known nationally and internationally and his studies and arguments have been published in books, magazines and websites and have been widespread in social and academic forums all over the world. As a result of his statements, denouncements and the social protests of the affected communities against the construction of the Quimbo Dam; the Comptroller General of the Republic, the National Anti-Corruption Unit and the new Unit of Crimes against the Environment of the Attorney General´s Office have monitored and researched the Quimbo Hydroelectric Project´s environmental damages and given the gravity of the situation the threatening of State resources and the lives and safety of the local population.
2. Currently he has been following the social movement in defense of the affected by Quimbo hydroelectric project, arguing and supporting peacefully by publishing and speaking out in the defense of the ecosystems, the archaeological heritage of Colombia and the rights of impacted communities by using legal mechanisms established in national and international, judicial and institutional framework for the defense and protection of human and environmental rights. He has also supported the initiative of the affected communities to form a Campesino Reserve that will ensure the Agricultural and Nutritional Security for the region.
He was involved as a researcher for seven years in the Inter-University Working Group for Adult Popular Education with colleagues from the Universities of Antioquia, Valle, Cauca and National Pedagogical University and worked on the team of researchers as part of an alliance between the Andes University, Colciencias, Harvard University, Red Prodepaz, Petroleum Foundation and the South Colombian University on the project "Empowerment of communities: Programs for development, peace and oil."
The work of Professor Dussan regarding the impacts and conflicts generated with Hydroelectric Dams is well known nationally and internationally and his studies and arguments have been published in books, magazines and websites and have been widespread in social and academic forums all over the world. As a result of his statements, denouncements and the social protests of the affected communities against the construction of the Quimbo Dam; the Comptroller General of the Republic, the National Anti-Corruption Unit and the new Unit of Crimes against the Environment of the Attorney General´s Office have monitored and researched the Quimbo Hydroelectric Project´s environmental damages and given the gravity of the situation the threatening of State resources and the lives and safety of the local population.
2. Currently he has been following the social movement in defense of the affected by Quimbo hydroelectric project, arguing and supporting peacefully by publishing and speaking out in the defense of the ecosystems, the archaeological heritage of Colombia and the rights of impacted communities by using legal mechanisms established in national and international, judicial and institutional framework for the defense and protection of human and environmental rights. He has also supported the initiative of the affected communities to form a Campesino Reserve that will ensure the Agricultural and Nutritional Security for the region.
3. It
is well-known among national and international public opinion that the process
of peaceful and civil resistance led by the communities affected by the Quimbo Hydroelectric
Project for the last 3 years has never exhibited any acts of violence from the
4. The context of the social and environmental problems facing the communities impacted by this energy project is why Professor Dussan has accompanied the process, which is the motive why a disciplinary investigation against him has been initiated. This investigation is based on a memo from Colonel JUAN FRANCISCO PELAEZ RAMIREZ, from the Regional Attorney General´s Office of Huila, on March 7th, 2012, to which was attached a video which aims to assess "the irregular nature and behavior of Professor Miller Dussan," in the demonstrations that have occurred against Quimbo hydroelectric project.
This video occurred
during the events of February 14th-15th, 2012 when there
was a violent displacement of the communities affected by the dam, that were in
their legal and natural right to be on the public banks of the Magdalena River,
by the ESMAD (Riot Police Unit) of the National Police of Colombia. The
disproportionate and violent actions of the security forces left several wounded,
including young worker Luis Carlos Trujillo Obregon, who lost his right eye.
The images shot and
shown around the world showed how local inhabitants, as they have claimed since
they began their protests against the construction of the dam, did not use any
forms of violence, not even to defend themselves against police aggression.
As stated, on March 7th, 2012 Colonel JUAN FRANCISCO PELAEZ RAMIREZ, from the National Police of Colombia, sent a complaint to the Regional Attorney General´s Office of Huila against Professor Miller Dussan for the reasons stated above.
As stated, on March 7th, 2012 Colonel JUAN FRANCISCO PELAEZ RAMIREZ, from the National Police of Colombia, sent a complaint to the Regional Attorney General´s Office of Huila against Professor Miller Dussan for the reasons stated above.
The foundation of
the investigation being conducted by the Regional Attorney General´s Office is
troubling and threatens the free speech of Professor Miller Dussan, as well as
all the participants of civil society that through peaceful actions have organized
and highlighted the irregularities
of this energy project. This should be taken into account because according to
the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression "Freedom of
expression in all its forms and manifestations is a fundamental and inalienable
right of all people. It
is also a prerequisite for the existence of a democratic society. "
5. On March 16, 2012 the Company Emgesa through its legal representative for Judicial and Administrative Affairs, Mr. Jairo Ernesto ARIAS ORJUELA, by right of petition, requested information from the South Colombian University regarding Professor Dussan´s resume, later clarifying that it was to solicit a quality control through powers of the Attorney General's Office. We consider this an illegitimate and arbitrary act because the university is not obliged to deliver what are exclusive, academic documents regarding human resources to private entities; this is a violation of university autonomy.
It is to highlight the peculiarity of both solicitations, curiously both were made at the same time and in the same style which not only reflects an intention to stigmatize the work of Professor Miller Dussan with communities affected by the project, but it also puts at risk human rights violations of all those who make evident the irregularities of these large economic projects and how detrimental they are to the environment, diversity and life.
5. On March 16, 2012 the Company Emgesa through its legal representative for Judicial and Administrative Affairs, Mr. Jairo Ernesto ARIAS ORJUELA, by right of petition, requested information from the South Colombian University regarding Professor Dussan´s resume, later clarifying that it was to solicit a quality control through powers of the Attorney General's Office. We consider this an illegitimate and arbitrary act because the university is not obliged to deliver what are exclusive, academic documents regarding human resources to private entities; this is a violation of university autonomy.
It is to highlight the peculiarity of both solicitations, curiously both were made at the same time and in the same style which not only reflects an intention to stigmatize the work of Professor Miller Dussan with communities affected by the project, but it also puts at risk human rights violations of all those who make evident the irregularities of these large economic projects and how detrimental they are to the environment, diversity and life.
As people
associated with the academic reflection we believe that our mission is to
contribute to the holistic formation of citizens through the assimilation,
production, application and dissemination of scientific, humanistic,
technological, cultural, artistic and popular knowledge, with a critical spirit
in order to reflect and act effectively in solving the problems of human
development in the country and the world, within a framework of freedom of
thought, ideological pluralism and in accordance with an ethic that seeks to
strengthen solidarity and human dignity.
For this reason
we express concern that the above facts show the persecution, stigmatization
and prosecution against Professor Miller Dussan, a part of a an established
policy of criminalizing social movements that deepens the plight of human
rights violations suffered by the Colombian people. Particularly, we believe
that the conflict has been intensifying through actions leading to the
criminalization of protest, research and backing of the rights to the
We immediately request a suspension of all unsubstantiated legal action against Professor Miller Dussan Calderon and a guarantee that his fundamental rights and personal safety, that if his family, his freedom of thought, organization, expression and academic freedom as well as the respect and guarantee of to not replicate these actions against other social actors that intervene the economic policies that destroy our natural diversity of territories.
We immediately request a suspension of all unsubstantiated legal action against Professor Miller Dussan Calderon and a guarantee that his fundamental rights and personal safety, that if his family, his freedom of thought, organization, expression and academic freedom as well as the respect and guarantee of to not replicate these actions against other social actors that intervene the economic policies that destroy our natural diversity of territories.
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