jueves, octubre 15, 2009

AFRODES USA Strongly Condemns Armed Groups' Violations of Afro-Colombian Rights and International Humanitarian Law Violations in Timbiquí (Cauca)

AFRODES USA issued a statement condemning the indiscriminate use of force by guerrilla groups and Colombian army that put in risk the Afro-Colombian civilians in the urban zone of Timbiquí, in the Department of Cauca. In the statement AFRODES USA remind "all of the parties to the internal armed conflict that these actions violate international humanitarian law" ruled by the Geneva Conventions, to which Colombia is subscribed, and also to the Colombian armed forces that "they are obliged to protect the rights of Afro-Colombian civilians living in this area".

AFRODES USA is concern that military bases in the community centers where the civilian populations is setled, as is the case in Timbiqui, is a violation of Condition F, the human rights condition pertaining to Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities of the foreign appropriations act of the United States.

Read more http://www.afrocolombians.com/pdfs/TimbiquiAlert.pdf

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