domingo, mayo 25, 2008
miércoles, mayo 21, 2008
Abejas aterrizan en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá) / Bees land at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá Campus)
Gustó mucho el espiral del tiempo y el contraste entre la pesadilla y la resistencia de las hormigas, muchas risas, sobretodo cuando hablamos de la importancia de la fiesta popular en donde la chicha, el guarapo y el chirrincho se comparte en vez de tomar tanta cerveza, ¡a estos insectos estudiantes como que les gusta la fiesta, la música y la alegría!
Some of us bees have landed on the lands of the Universidad Nacional (UNAL) where the ants are in permanent assembly and an indefinite abnormality until the directors decide to negotiate with dignity regarding the reforms that have been occurring. In the end, the ants started arriving in appreciation of the Plan Colombia graphic and the library ants came out and participated in a story telling that was almost three hours long. Though we had all the time we need because, we are on strike!
All of the ants and bees saw for ourselves how in accord with military spending that is only good for transnational companies and while the money is spent on helicopters, arms, military training, oil pipelines and infrastructure for a certain type of development model, education is left on the side and is not considered an important factor in terms of investment. Instead it is seen as a unnecessary expense and that those who govern say that: -anyways we are only educating rebellious ants-; for instance the situation of the Universidad Pedagógica that is nearly bankrupt and the UNAL does not exactly have the best funds to development it self autonomously either, ah! Though be assure that the bureaucratic mafias continue functioning, the high administration keeps their money and what a good business the Universities have become!
When we arrived at the scene where the mosquitoes are stealing the genetic information from the trees, plants and the rural areas to turn it into private property (copyright material) we started to reflect how the University is really not that autonomous the way many of us want it to be. For example, the Instituto de Biotecnología (IBUN) develops investigation regarding genetically modified seeds such as rubber (financed by the company Mavalle S.A) and in the production of biofertilizers related to Bt, the extraction of ethanol from oil palm. All of this from the investigation group of “Bioprocesos” that has been functioning since the 1980s amongst other groups in existance such as “Bipesticidas”, “Bionegocios”, “Bioinformática” and others financed by corporations that want the rural areas to plant food crops for the consumption of machines and not people. So the
Currently the university is in a Permanent Assembly and in Academic Abnormality, because Management (an elite like any other elite that only cares about their interests and visions) sent by the Casa de Nariño wants to impose an efficient and effective University, make it business like. On April 15th the Estatuto Estudiantil (acuerdo 008) is approved, guiding the vision and mission for the university’s reforms. One of its academic reforms is that students must finish their studies as quickly as possible, giving students a bag of credits and change our mind frame into how many credits we have to study. In other words, how much does a student have to waste (logical cost/benefit=business) and does not support the insect students who say: I want to study and take advantage of the University’s academic diversity. On the other hand they also want to enact a statute of order and conviviality that strengthens a model of (democratic) security, repressing the student and rebellious expressions or any other activity that interferes with the normal academic process (normal being classes in classrooms, set learning hours, professors who believe they have the ultimate knowledge and authority, in other words traditional education) is subject to expulsion! In addition a new security model is trying to be implanted by opening up the university to the city, taking away the gates and put in more then 500 security cameras, allow full police access as well as stronger spatial and territorial control.
There are plans to also turn the university into a shopping complex with a food plaza and elevated pedestrian shopping center walkways that connect the Transmilenio of the Kra 30 with the station on the calle 26. In the end it appears that the management only wants a model of a student that is obedient, quiet, respectful of the (unjust) laws of this country, uncritical and that never thinks or acts for them self. It is a student obedient to the market, corporations and the State. The model of a business University?
In agreement with this development model for corporations and machines and not for people, we spoke about how companies like Nestle are behind the privatization of our rural areas when they buy coffee at low prices and impose only one kind of variety making farmer dependent, also that more land is being distributed to cattle then to peasants. Accommodating a market controlled by large wealthy landowners, companies and yes the paramilitary dung beetles. Coca-Cola also came up and how it is imposing models for the privatization of water with its front companies like Manantial that steals water from la Calera and Chingaza that is for the people in Bogotá. Other companies too like Agua Cristal that is in the macizo colombiano appropriating the water of the indigenous and peasant communities.
In reference to this we spoke with the university ants that it is important we also plant, not only ideas but also plants and trees as is the case of the university gardens (today there are 6: “La Manuelita” in agronomy, “Maloka” or “EEE” in humanities, “Girasoles” between law and medicine, by biology, by economics, and lastly architecture!) where a variety of insect students have planted corn, beans, arracacha, carrots, more corn, quinoa, spinach, collards, potatoes, tobacco, sunflowers, lulo and well a lot more corn and other plants. Also different trees have been planted as part of a reappropriation and reforestation campaign of the University’s green spaces. We made the invitation that we don’t speak of territory in the university though that we create territory in our daily activities in our university. The farmers shared that now twice they have had to denounce that security has been sent to destroy the set up for a seed bank that the ants and other insects had constructed. They have sabotaged it twice in one month and in “La Manuelita” have uprooted some corn!… who is it that is so bothered by life and one who plants some plants instead of war? In the end, the insect students told us that if “they knock them over again; we will just plant more gardens.”
Many liked the spiral of time and the contrast between the nightmare and the ants’ resistance. There was a lot of laughter, especially when we spoke of popular festivities in where the chicha, guarapo, and the chirrincho are shared instead of drinking so much beer. These insect students sure do love their fiestas, music and happiness! We concluded and reflected that the model of the university that we insects want will not serve the multinationals such as what is already occurring. Our investigations and reflections, our own proposals, should help strengthen processes not only of the student movement though also outside of the university, towards a populace that is so diverse, so campesino, so indigenous, so afro, so roma (“gypsy”), so barrio, so simple …what we are saying is a university for the people, for all of the people!. The changes need to start to be realized from in our classrooms, discussion spaces, assemblies, garden plantings and in the fiestas, where we sing our songs of rebellion and autonomy.
miércoles, mayo 14, 2008
lunes, mayo 12, 2008
Bajo la sombra del Majuy - Beneath the shade of the Majuy
En estas visitas a la comunidad hicimos varios cuenta-cuentos con grupos de todo el resguardo, participamos en mingas sembrando maíz y quinua, recibimos medicinas y consejos de los mayores y pudimos purgar nuestras barriguitas después de viajar tanto. Lo más especial que nos ocurrió fue poder compartir con los jóvenes de la comunidad que tienen un grupo de música. Estos pequeños colibríes volaban para arriba y para abajo con sus sikus, kenas, guitarras, bombos y el charrango tocando música de Bolivia, Perú y también de su propio pueblo. Lo único que brillaba más que las plumas de los jóvenes colibríes fue su conciencia, humildad y amor por su territorio y comunidad. También los ayudamos cuidar las ovejas y les recordamos que el esfuerzo que ellos están haciendo al mantener sus costumbres, tradiciones y cultura es de gran valor e importancia para su comunidad, el continente y el mundo entero. Por ejemplo, un trabajo importante que hacen los jóvenes es la tala continua de pinos y eucaliptos, árboles exóticos a la región que secan y desgastan la tierra, para reforestar su territorio con las plantas nativas de la sabana.
A pesar de que ha sido muy bonito conocer a los colibríes y compartir en el territorio de la Sabana con su pueblo originario, los problemas que hemos visto afectan a todo tipo de comunidades en otras regiones visitadas también se presentan acá. Aunque el grupo de jóvenes colibríes es luminoso y los mayores que comparten con ellos también, muchos colibríes de la comunidad han perdido el interés en mantener sus costumbres. Son muchas las razones pero podemos decir que la primera fue la invasión de los españoles a la Sabana desde hace mucho tiempo, aunque más recientemente también están la cercanía a Bogotá y la influencia de su cultura consumista y materialista propia de las ciudades capitalistas como ella. También la invasión de ricos bogotanos que toman tierras agrícolas para crear urbanizaciones. Esto ha causado el choque de la comunidad rural con la elite urbana que trata de salir de la ciudad pero, simultáneamente, al hacerlo traen a la ciudad y sus problemas con ellos. Aunque hay muchos ejemplos en los que aún se mantienen prácticas de tejido, cerámica, música y agricultura tradicional, falta apoyar mucho más a los colibríes en su esfuerzo por mantenerlas.
Otro problema que se relaciona con la cercanía del resguardo con la ciudad, tiene que ver con la Avenida 80 que conecta Bogotá con Medellín. La ciudad ha ido creciendo a lo largo de esta vía consolidando la Zona Franca Industrial de la ciudad. Esto ha causado que las comunidades rurales al occidente de Bogotá, y en general de toda la Sabana, que vivían de la agricultura y la ganadería estén tratando de sobrevivir compitiendo por la tierra con las grandes fábricas de empresas como Colombina y el Parque AgroIndustrial del Occidente de la Sabana, entre muchos otros, que se están reubicando allí. Como nos dijo un mayor, están tomando unas de las tierras más fértiles del mundo, con hasta 3 metros de profundidad de materia orgánica y la están pavimentando o cubriendo con plástico. Pero, ¿para qué plástico?
Para los invernaderos de floricultura que mandan toneladas de flores ornamentales todo los días a los países del norte mientras que acá destruyen la tierra por el calor no natural que se produce industrialmente, contaminan los ríos por los agroquímicos que se usan intensivamente y que se vierten sobre ellos, sin hablar de las condiciones de trabajo y violaciones laborales que hacen las empresas de flores a sus empleados. Aunque el escenario medioambiental es bastante grave, quieren tomar el rió Bogotá, que ya está excesivamente contaminado por distintas fabricas de empresas como embotelladoras de gaseosa y cerveza, con los pesticidas y otros desperdicios que usan en los campos alrededor, para canales acuáticos de transporte de mercancías en lugar de de hacer la restauración que el rió necesita.
Día tras día algunos habitantes de Bogotá y una buena parte de los de la Sabana, viven creyendo que hay que secar los humedales, talar los árboles y seguir pavimentando la fértil planicie. En medio de ese proceso expansivo de la ciudad que busca urbanizar sus alrededores, en el sur de Bogotá en Usme específicamente, otro asentamiento español de origen Muisca, se ha encontrado lo que parece ser el cementerio Muisca y pre Muisca mas grande que existe. Se cree que esta necrópolis podría tener alrededor de 1.500 tumbas siendo las más antiguas de aproximadamente el siglo I de nuestra era. Para los habitantes de Usme, que están a punto de ser consumidos por la expansión de Bogotá, ha sido una grata noticia ya que no querían que se urbanizara la zona y hasta ahora no se veía la posibilidad de poder frenar la construcción. Ahora, ellos junto con otros habitantes de la Sabana están exigiendo que la necrópolis sea reconocida como Patrimonio Arqueológico de la ciudad y la nación ya que se debe respetar que los ancestros de los habitantes el Altiplano Cundiboyacense está allí y necesitan seguir descansando como lo han venido haciendo durante los últimos 2.000 años. Mientras es importante proteger, reconocer y valorar el pasado, no estamos de acuerdo con la creencia común de que la cultura Muisca es una cultura muerta. Marginalizados por los actores invasores del Estado y empresas en la sabana, los Muiscas siguen presentes, resistiendo y sobreviviendo en su territorio ancestral. Aunque cambiando rápidamente, sigue siendo de ellos.
Damos gracias a la vida, a la madre naturaleza y a nuestra madre tierra (hicha quaia) por permitir encontrar en nuestro camino seres hermanos de otra colmena q’nos han hecho recordar con su experiencia, su nobleza y su gran preocupación por la manera q’ estamos yendo. Envenenando y contaminando de todas las formas de vida en el planeta, los cosmos y el universo.
Nos han hecho recordar la palabra de nuestros mayores y nos han hecho ver lo importante q’ es nuestra memoria y tradición cultural, nuestra madre tierra (hicha quaia) lo valeroso de nuestra medicina tradicional, las semillas y las artes, el oficio de la minga, del Amor por la Vida. Dentro del territorio y como una gran Colmena.
Conocer más del Pensamiento de Occidente para afianzar y fortalecer en los Saberes tradicionales como la principal herramienta para reconstruir el camino q’ elaboraron nuestros mayores – un camino q’ nos llevará de nuevo a nuestro propio origen. Nos llevará a encontrar la verdad en nuestro corazón abrigados por el espíritu sagrado tu (hicha quaia)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Preparing for another long trip, we have returned from all corners of
On these visits to the community we did a couple of story telling for different groups on the resgurado, we participated in mingas planting corn and quinua, we received medicine and council from the elders, and we were able to purge out lil bellies after so much travel. One of the more special experiences was being able to share with the youth of the community of have a musical group. These lil hummingbirds flew up and down and all around with their sikus, kenas, guitars, bombos and the charrango playing music from Bolivia, Peru and from their own culture. The only thing that shined more then the feathers on the hummingbird youth was their consciousness, humility and love for their territory and community. We also helped them care for the sheep and reminded them that the efforts they are making to maintain their customs, traditions and culture is of great importance for their community, the continent and the world. For example, one important effort the youth have taken up is cutting down the forests of invasive pine and eucalyptus that dry and waste the nutrients of the earth and reforesting their territory with plants native to the savanna.
Even though it has been wonderful meeting the hummingbirds and sharing in the Savanna with its indigenous inhabitants, the problems we have seen affecting communities in other regions were also present here. While the hummingbird youth shine and their elders share with them, many of the hummingbirds in the community have lost their interest in maintaining their customs. This is because of many reasons but the first being the invasion of the spanish in the Savanna from early on, though more recently their is also the nearby Bogotá and the influence of its materialistic and consumer culture native to most big cities like it. Another problem is the invasion of the wealthy folks from Bogotá that are taking over agricultural lands to turn them into housing subdivisions. This has caused a shock for the rural communities having these elite urbanites who in trying to escape the city simultaneously bring the city and its problems with them. While there are many examples of those who maintain the practices of weaving, pottery, music and traditional agriculture, there is a lack of support for the hummingbirds that are active in the struggle of maintaining these practices.
Another problem related to the resguerdo’s proximity to the city has to do with the
Day after day most inhabitants of Bogotá and a large portion of the savanna, live believing that the wetlands must be drained, the forests cut down and the fertile earth paved over. In the midst of this city looking to expand is urbanization into surrounding areas, in the south of Bogotá, specifically in Usme, another Spanish settlement of Muisca origin; it appears that the largest Muisca and pre Muisca cemetery has been found. It is believed that this necropolis could have up to 1,500 tombs, the oldest ones being over 2,000 years old. For the inhabitants of Usme, about to be consumed by the expansion of Bogotá, this has been great news since they were not in favor of the housing development that was going to be built in the area and until now there seemed no possible way of halting the construction. Now they with other inhabitants of the Savanna are pressuring that the necropolis be recognized as Arqueological Patrimony of the city and the country and that the ancestors of the inhabitants of the Altiplano Cundiboyacense are there and need to continue resting as they have done for the last 2,000 years. While it is important to protect, recognize, and value the past, we are not in agreement with the local widespread belief that Muisca culture is a dead culture. Marginalized by invasive actors on the Savanna such as the State and private companies, the Muisca are still present, resisting and surviving in their ancestral territory. While rapidly changing, it is still theirs.
Once we finished this flight, of which many more to come, an elder wrote this about our visit…
We give thanks to life, mother nature and our mother earth (hicha quaia) for permitting us to find in our path brothers from another hive that have helped us remember with their experience, nobility and great preoccupation regarding the direction in which we are headed. Poisoning and contaminating all the forms of life in the planet, the cosmos and in the universe.
They have made us remember the word of our elders and have made us realize the importance of our memory and cultural traditions, our mother earth (hicha quaia) the valuable traditional medicine, seeds and arts, the labor of the minga, of Love of Life. Within our territory and within the great Hive.
Learn more of Western Thought to support and strengthen our traditional wisdom as the principal tool to rebuild the path constructed by our elders – a path that will once again take us to our own origin. It will take us to find the truth in our hearts, warmed by the sacred spirit (hicha quaia)